Into Thin Air

Below the Natchez Trace Bridge


West and the Sun is Setting

Mellow Yellow Fellow

Still Kickin' It!!!!!!!! Neelix! YooHoo!!

Old Tennessee State Prison version A

Who You Lookin' At?

View from my study skylight at night after snowstorm

Koi Pond Video!

closeup view of Montgomery Bell Tunnel

Extreme Closeup view of Montgomery Bell Tunnel

Alternate view of Montgomery Bell Tunnel

Sweeping View of the Japanese Garden

Sexy Legged Mahogany Center Table


Fishy Faces

Dramatic Clematis

Rockin' Rhododendron

Anothere view of Caerlaverock Castle - as JMW Turner might have painted it. @tintedsteam @MrTurnerFilm @historicscotland @welovehistory @visitscotland @GreatBritain @TwitterUK The Instagram really doesn’t doesn’t do it justice… #Medieval #medievaleuro

Anothere view of Caerlaverock Castle - as JMW Turner might have painted it. @tintedsteam @MrTurnerFilm @historicscotland @welovehistory @visitscotland @GreatBritain @TwitterUK The Instagram really doesn’t doesn’t do it justice… #Medieval #medievaleuro

Fall colors at Tenessee

Leatherwood Creek

8:15 a.m.

The road less travelled

Bells Bend Outdoor Expo - April 5, 2014

Edwin Warner Park Sunset - October 9, 2014

Sunset at the Warner Parks Nature Center - October 2, 2014

Harpeth River State Park - Gossett Tract State Natural Area

Edwin Warner Park - September 4, 2014

Edwin Warner Park - October 23, 2014

Cheekwood Botanical Garden & Museum of Art - Nov. 29, 2013

Percy Warner Sunset - Feb. 25, 2014

Percy Warner Park

With Heartfelt Thanks...

Mossy Ridge Trail - Percy Warner Park - February 5, 2013

Cedar Hill Road

Percy Warner Park - November 4, 2014

Bells Bend Outdoor Expo - April 5, 2014

Percy Warner Park - June 16, 2015

Cheekwood Botanical Garden & Museum of Art - Jun 1, 2014