This Week at the Lake - Part 1/52

Wild Radnor

Canada Goose on Radnor Lake

Slipping Away (into Explore! Thank you!)

Wild Radnor 2

Williamson County, TN Courthouse - Franklin, TN

Stone Owl In The Gardens

This Week at the Lake - 15/52

Anothere view of Caerlaverock Castle - as JMW Turner might have painted it. @tintedsteam @MrTurnerFilm @historicscotland @welovehistory @visitscotland @GreatBritain @TwitterUK The Instagram really doesn’t doesn’t do it justice… #Medieval #medievaleuro

Anothere view of Caerlaverock Castle - as JMW Turner might have painted it. @tintedsteam @MrTurnerFilm @historicscotland @welovehistory @visitscotland @GreatBritain @TwitterUK The Instagram really doesn’t doesn’t do it justice… #Medieval #medievaleuro

Koi Pond Video!

The Carter House

Mellow Yellow Fellow

Buzzing By

West and the Sun is Setting


Fishy Faces

Dramatic Clematis

This Week at the Lake - 52/52

This Week at the Lake - 29/52

Natchez Trace Parkway Bridge IMG_3926a

With Heartfelt Thanks...

Fall colors at Tenessee

Spring Color in Middle Tennessee.

Follow the Light

Radnor Lake Moonrise(HDR/Panorama)

Radnor Lake Panorama - September 18, 2014

Radnor Lake State Natural Area - October 2, 2014

Radnor Lake Sunset Panorama - November 6, 2014

A winter sunset at Radnor Lake

Double Arch Bridge

This Week at the Lake - 46/52

Percy Warner Park

Beautiful hike in #bellsbend park. #hikenashville #nashville

The road less travelled


This shot took her to the middle of the green. #rolltidesituations #ncaawomensgolf @hjcollier

On hole 2. Using the Nashville filter. Because we are in Nashville.

Radnor Reflection

Edwin Warner Park Sunset - October 9, 2014