Night Approaches

Magic Dreams at Glenbrook Resort

View from the shore of Dixie Lake

A View of the Spa

An Aerial View of the Pool

General James Van Fleet State Trail

The Neighborhood

View from the shore of Lake Louisa

Yellow-sided Skimmer (Libellula flavida)

Great Horned or Tiger Owl (Bubo virginianus) - multiple views

Two views of a Southern Black Racer (Coluber constrictor priapus)

Great Horned, or Tiger Owl (Bubo virginianus)

Grass, trees, lake, and sun

Reeds at dawn

Morning mist - B&W

The tree on the hill at dawn

He thought the clouds were special that day

While kayaking on Lake Dixie

Nature's sculpture

Another Lone Cypress

Wildflowers and dewey grass at dawn

Into The Storm

Empty base

The lonely tree

Lily pads, grass, trees, and sky

Fisherman in a red canoe


Lake Louisa State Park Trails

Day Trip Part I (36 of 52)

Laura and a tree at Lake Louisa State Park

Mickey Mouse Forest

Another awesome day....seize the moment!!! #clermontfl #beautiful #sunrise