Viewing tower

Tree in morning fog

Deadly Bite!

dusk at buck lake

One Of The Many Florida Springs

My Hammock

Hammock view

Millhouse Restoration Side View

Pier extends over marsh

View from my blanket

Campsite view

Baby alligator - about 1 foot long - best viewed large

Juniper Springs run along boardwalk from Overlook

View of the Large Vent

National Forest Road 46

Hopkins Prairie

Juniper Springs, Ocala National Forest, Florida

Juniper Springs Creek-56


This tree is beggin for a timelapse


Ocala National Forest

The Watering Hole

Sand Pine Forest, Ocala NF

JuniperSpringRun (4)

Ocala National Forest


Sabal palmetto along the Juniper River


Eaton Lake

Juniper Springs


SD533437 600x450

Hopkins Prairie