Robinson, IL Dog 'n Suds drive-in

Allen Sanitarium #5

Office with view.

Wheat Harvesting in the Central Lowlands of the United States

Quail Creek Golf Course, Robinson, IL

Quail Creek Golf Course, Robinson, IL - Hole # 9

Besökare Samtidigt

Illinois, Crawford County Sheriff's Office

Robinson - Ford-EVI Mini Pumper

So many geese. A bunch flew away before I was able to take the shot.

Not sure if the guy in front of me is aware of what's going on in Ukraine.

Man those icicles. Hope nobody "Die Hard 2's" anybody on location.

Returning rental... it's been fun. :(

Finally... some cool weather!

Awesome... snowing again! :-)

Somebody had fun in the mud.

Tim Jones... your favorite band lol.

Tornado warning.

Need more mud!

Southpark song stuck in head, replacing "Everything is awesome".

Still getting used to this thing.

Wild side of flavor.

The cool thing about working with a unionized backhoe driver is he is amazingly skilled with the backhoe. Too bad he can't help me move some core boxes to a pallet or anything else without the union getting involved.

Still snowing. Reminds me when it would rain non-stop in Singapore.

Haha... left a bunch of water and a can of tuna in car overnight... all frozen.

Cool deal.

I could have sworn that said "FUN" a few minutes ago.