Ingolstadt - Refinery

it's sunday evening full-frame dinner-time [Explore FP]

dice splash

hello warmth

welcome home

a stream of emotions

a private kind

Bw Ingolstadt - 194562

quiet places

the most painterly bokehs in the world [Explore]

Audi RS5 Coupe Suzukagrey - 3

of snowfall and cinnamon i'm made (osacim) 11/31 [Explore]

So sunny...

Audi RS5 Coupe Suzukagrey - 7

Audi RS5 Coupe Suzukagrey - 4

DKW NZ 350/1 - 1945

DKW NZ 350/1 - 1945

BTS RS7 Performance with RS titanium...

What a Ceiling !!! | AUDI Style

Audi Forum Ingolstadt

rainer werner fassbinder sold out

New resolutions

Pink filtered


. auf und ab

Bavarian Sunrise ... African Style HDR

Fairy Forest Pt. 1 [Explore]

Let it snow, let it snow...

Morning Walk

ICE über der Donau

just let it happen and the wind will blow your problems away

magic moments

waiting for the spring

at the end of the day

Oberstimm, Bavaria Sunset HDR

Sonnenuntergang am Weicheringer Weiher HDR

Bagger See - HDR

With the sun on my back

Frosted... it begins where it ended

Crossing from black to white

The Winter Sun

. Stoppelfeld - stubble field