Interior view of St. Peter

Take a seat and watch the light...

Sunset over the river Altmühl

An old lane in Bavaria

Neuburg an der Donau (Bavaria), Hofkirche zu Unserer Lieben Frauen, iglesia a la Bienaventurada Virgen María, church to the Blessed Virgin Mary, chiesa alla Benedetta Vergine Maria, église à la Bénie Vierge Marie, Najświętsza Maryja Panna (Amalienstraße)

it's sunday evening full-frame dinner-time [Explore FP]

Castle With A View

Fairy Forest Pt. 1 [Explore]

lay down, relax

burning skies [Explore]

every single sunset has a story to tell...

welcome home

old but fashioned 2 - the Nikon F3

just let it happen and the wind will blow your problems away

of snowfall and cinnamon i'm made (osacim) 15/31

Neuburg an der Donau (Bavaria), Hofkirche zu Unserer Lieben Frauen, iglesia a la Bienaventurada Virgen María, church to the Blessed Virgin Mary, chiesa alla Benedetta Vergine Maria, église à la Bénie Vierge Marie, Najświętsza Maryja Panna (Amalienstraße)

a stream of emotions

Spielplatz - Playground

old but fashioned - taking my nikon fe to town

Kastanie unter der Kastanie

a private kind

. Stoppelfeld - stubble field


at the end of the day

Golfclub Wittelsbach

. auf und ab

Rushes on the water

Pylon field

Spiegelung mit Schwan

BWI3 2012_05_53_08. Mai 2012

BWI3 2012_04_24_04. April 2012

Vollmond auf dem Feld vor Gaimersheim

sunset at Eichstätt-Blumenberg

BWI3 2012_05_36_04. Mai 2012


winter now - 9

Memory lane

She's still beautiful..#autumntree

BWI3 2012_04_54_12. April 2012