Don't Let the Sun Go Down on Me #2

Fanned Out

Transitions Revisited (orbital concept)

Don't Let the Sun Go Down Without Me*

Taking a Quick Peek

Beauty in the "Pink" Wind

Apennines & Apollo 15

Returning from Home Depot

Miami Shores After Lunar Eclipse

View from the Balcony

Swan Lake

July 29 Northern Terminator (reprocess)

Red Sunset

Sunset at the Pine lands

Oleta River in texture

Clouds and Trees Poluting my View of the City

Sunrise in Miami

Pyrausta tyralis

My Name is Duck! James Duck!

Rain is coming

Rainy Torch

Long Ago And Far Away

Life and Death LE

"If I've told ya once, I've told ya a thousand times


Standing Alone

Soul Within Soul

Spires. C7D. Queen's Garden at Bryce in Utah. Always amazing.

Burrowing Owl Babies 2013

Okeechobee dawn

Stephanie F

aNDy's_G16-IMG_1551 1-AD

Fall in Florida

Stephanie F

Dorantes Longtail (Urbanus dorantes)

The last light after storm, Fort Lauderdale, Florida

This is so f...ing beautiful here! I don't want to leave! ???? I know that for some of you this is an everyday scene, but for me, coming from a cold country this is just AMAZING!

Burrowing Owl

"I only have eyes for you."

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