Wet Day Golden Glow

Rain Forest - La Chua Trail Camp Ranch Road

Blue Morpho Butterfly with Pink Flowers

View from My Office

championship crowd

Brady Singer

Sweep panorama using the HTC One Android phone

New office view, so much better than the brick wall I used to have! #UF #universityofflorida #plazaoftheamericas #view #university #campus #landscaping

Sandhill Crane (Antigone canadensis)

Mary Phifer McKenzie House, Gainesville

Andrew Karp

Does Your Field Need Aeration?

Storm on the Lake

#365 Hooded Merganser

Swainson's Warbler (Limnothlypis swainsonii)

Campus Brights

Reflecting On Spring - Baughman Meditation Center

Corey Brewer

Butterfly: Tree Nymph Idea leuconoe

The Prairie Primeval

View from my apartment! Welcome home!!

Prairie clouds outside of Gainesville. #LoveFL

Setting The Week On Fire

Payne's Prairie 1994 (1)

Morning Fairytale

Garden Visitor

Prairie Sunset

Lake Alice at University of Florida


University of Florida - Bat Colony

Toxostoma rufum

Boardwalk Empire


2015.05.02.La Chua Trail Landscape 6

High Tide at Alachau Sink

Paynes Prairie Purple Pickerel

Proctacanthus milbertii

2015.05.11.La Chua Trail Gator 6

Kanapaha Waterfallette (a tiny waterfall)

Alachua Sink