Memories of the spring

Sooty Copper (Lycaena tityrus)

View through the arch

Archeological Showcase in Aachen

I never get bored there and summer could go on for a while ... again at the Schlangenberg, a landscape shaped by calamine.

Unusual views ...

Once upon a time ... office views

a view of hope at the end of another day of battling the exponential numbers #timesofconfinement

View upon Kornelimünster abbey

have a break 3

Merry Christmas (130254951)

Sand sculpture ... (140635336)

Aachen, Theaterstraße, tranquil view towards the theatre before the imminent storm of the Rosenmontagszug

have a break 1

Hey, whats up?

Indemann says "hello world"

Balloons behind the corner

The post-apocalyptic Wanderer

At highnoon

Skull of a fox


_the way home

time after time

Nature will prevail

alte Weide am Weg durch die Wiesen der Soers

Aachen Panorama

Energy by destruction at Tagebau Inden, Eschweiler

Sommerabend am Knopp

light and arch

Der Baum bei Krauthausen

The new "garden Feel"

Weiß - Schwarz - Grau

Morning mist - morgendlicher Dunst

_fence mood

Jülicher Herbstlichter 2015

Spring Beauty

294 727

Der #Indemann #Braunkohle #Revier

Tagebau Inden

Aachen - Blick vom Lousberg