Gotta Love the Wheeling

Ohio 2nd Empire 3

Fremont, Ohio 2nd Empire

Ohio Second Empire 1

Ohio 2nd Empire

Fremont, Ohio 2nd Empire 5

Fremont, Ohio 2nd Empire 4

Spiegel Grove - The Home of President Rutherford B. Hayes

Country ditch of Ohio!

Plan of Fort Stephenson

Ivy covered silo, Fremont, OH

View Out the Broken Window

The view from the burn barrel.

sunlit birch

2011-05-06 09.34.06

Pickeral Creek Wildlife Area

2012-01-28 retreat

The Big Week


My view for the rest of the day. :-)

Not So Bad After All

Ohio Farm



North Coast Inland Trail

Corn Fields ROCK

Bow of rain.

Used to be a barn and corn was 8' high. #tornado #tooclosetohome

NS 184 - Fremont, OH

The Muddy Creek

Snowy Sunset on Yeasting Rd.

2012-01-28 retreat

January 8, 2014

An evening walk in the woods.

Sandusky River — Fremont, OH

Fremont, OH

January 8, 2014

January 8, 2014

January 8, 2014

2012-01-28 retreat

Rising and shining.