Gotta Love the Wheeling

Ivy covered silo, Fremont, OH

Ohio 2nd Empire 3

Fremont, Ohio 2nd Empire

Ohio Second Empire 1

Ohio 2nd Empire

Fremont, Ohio 2nd Empire 5

Fremont, Ohio 2nd Empire 4

2011-05-06 09.34.06

Backyard view yesterday... #nofilter

Spiegel Grove - The Home of President Rutherford B. Hayes

sunlit birch

reflected roses

Pickeral Creek Wildlife Area

View Out the Broken Window

Plan of Fort Stephenson

The Big Week

2012-01-28 retreat


My view for the rest of the day. :-)

Sandusky River

Norfolk Southern 15Q in Kingsway, Ohio

North Coast Inland Trail

The sky when I got to work this morning. #nofilter #sunrise #fremontucky

My drive home tonight. Dirty window, power lines, and all...

Lindsey, Ohio #nofilter #sunrise

Used to be a barn and corn was 8' high. #tornado #tooclosetohome

The Muddy Creek

NS 184 - Fremont, OH

Snowy Sunset on Yeasting Rd.

Sandusky River — Fremont, OH

An evening walk in the woods.

Wouldya look at that sun???!!!

The Muddy Creek

Farmland — Ballville Township, Sandusky County, OH

The Muddy Creek

Ohio Farm

Fremont, OH

2012-01-28 retreat

The Muddy Creek

2012-01-28 retreat