The Blue Army Road + Haiku



Water Bill

Muskie Mergansers

Sunny December Afternoon

"South Branch Scenic," by My Lovely Wife

I tell you I'm lost here, awaiting reply

Song Sparrow Portrait

Pollen Bee

The Big Mustache

Trailer Slot 141

Miracle of the Sun: Rays of God's Light

Red Mill Museum Along the Raritan River

Abandoned Bonnell's Tavern in Clinton, NJ

Old Farm Sanctuary (3)

Swallowtail GEM4769

Fields, Clouds, and Dreams

Musconetcong Valley - Haiku

Summit Trail (1)

Point Mountain

All A Glow

Lovely Day for a Stroll

Winter Reflections

Like a dream to me

Winter's Muse

Golden leaves amidst blue skies, a scarlet mill in autumn time

A Clinton Winter

ducks in clinton

Red barn

Mill House

Post storm cleanup still in process

Red Sky at Night, Sunflower Delight

Great Blue Heron & Red Mill Reflection

Red Mill at Clinton

Rowing in the deep dark waters

A September Morning

Time Seems to Stop Here

Red Reflections



A December hike