Sunny December Afternoon

View of the nature

Mill House

Snowy Owl

BTS: Waiting for the family

Miracle of the Sun: Rays of God's Light

Water Bill

Blue Army Shrine of Our Lady of Fatima

"The Distance In Your Eyes"

Muskie Mergansers

White-throated Sparrow, Round Valley

Blessed Sacrament Chapel

The Blue Army Road + Haiku

Red Mill Museum Along the Raritan River


One does not simply photograph Mordor


The Red Mill in Clinton

Shoprite Flowers + Haiku

"South Branch Scenic," by My Lovely Wife

Wild Hair, Wild Grass

All A Glow

A September Morning

Schooley's Mountain Falls

End of the road...

Sunflower Sunset

Winter Reflections

Like a dream to me

Time Seems to Stop Here

Good Morning Red Mill, Clinton NJ

The Red Mill In Clinton

Red barn

Great Blue Heron & Red Mill Reflection

Dead Like Me


Round Valley Boat Launch - Lebanon, NJ

Round Valley

puff island

Red Sky at Night, Sunflower Delight

Lovely Day for a Stroll

A Strange, Reflective, Even Melancholy Day