Newkirk, Okla., panorama photo 1910

My view this #snowy afternoon. #snow #LetItSnow #PoncaCity

Swimmin' hole

StormChasing 446

#BNSF 6807 north on the #RedRockSub at the KS/OK border.


Herding the calves

Herding the calves

Screamer - Newkirk Oklahoma

Oklahoma, Newkirk, Pabst Beer

Two Rivers CO OP

Newkirk Oklahoma

Mesker Storefront Detail (Newkirk, Oklahoma)

Park Hotel Block (Newkirk, Oklahoma)

Mesker Storefront (Newkirk, Oklahoma)

1958 Kansas Welcome Sign

Oklahoma Historical Markers and Monument (Kay County, Oklahoma)

Cherokee Strip Monument (Kay County, Oklahoma)

Oklahoma: The Indian State Marker (Kay County, Oklahoma)

Kay County Supercell

#supercell #thunderstorm near Peckham OK earlier tonight. #okwx #stormchasing #picofthenight #earthpix #photography #nightpic #silverliningtours #livestormsmedia #tornadotours #65rhinos #weather #neverstopexploring #theoutbound #stayandwander #instagood

Welcome to Newkirk Sign (Newkirk, Oklahoma)

W.S. Brown Building

Cherokee Strip Monument (Cowley County, Kansas)

Cherokee Outlet Marker (Cowley County, Kansas)

Cherokee Strip Monument (Cowley County, Kansas)

Towers arriving

Downtown Newkirk, Oklahoma