2015 - Washington State - Diablo Lake

Watch The Flaws Unwind

Glacial Runoff Waters of Diablo Lake

Big Sky (North Cascades National Park Service Complex)

Diablo Lake Nestled in the Heart of the North Cascades (North Cascades National Park Service Complex)

Pyramid Peak and Other Peaks of the Eldorado Massif (North Cascades National Park Service Complex)

Holding Onto Light

Views Seen at the End of the Thunder Knob Trail (North Cascades National Park Complex)

A View to Forests, Mountains and a Lake at Diablo Lake Vista Point (HDR, North Cascades National Park Service Complex)

I Got the Image I Wanted! (Black & White, North Cascades National Park Service Complex)

Low Clouds and Mountain Peaks

Diablo Lake

Mountainsides and Mountains Peaks (North Cascades National Park Service Complex)

A View to Forests, Mountains and a Lake at Diablo Lake Vista Point (Black & White, North Cascades National Park Service Complex)

HDR in the North Cascades National Park Service Complex (HDR)

Low Clouds on an Overcast Day in the North Cascades Mountains of Washington (North Cascades National Park Service Complex)

Lighting the Forrest

Forests and Mountains as a Backdrop to Viewing the Skagit River (Ross Lake National Recreation Area)

B&W in the North Cascades National Park Service Complex (Black & White)

Rainforest in the North Cascades Mountains and National Park (North Cascade National Park Complex)

This Washington Land (North Cascades National Park Complex)

Winter's Coming......

Washington pass

Moonrise over North Cascades

Diablo Dam

Cascade River Valley

The Path

Through the Mountains

Characteristics of Divergence

Time Decides

Reflections of Turquoise Green Waters (North Cascades National Park Service Complex)

The First Time We Met

A Day After the Rains, A Beautiful Day (North Cascade National Park Service Complex)

An Impression

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