*The Balloon*

Trier Panorama mit Wolken

Trier from Porta Nigra

Trier by Night - Moselle with view at the "SKY LOUNGE WHEEL"

Bench with tree

Luxemburg 20181017-120

A view from our kitchen :-)

blau grau...

Turbulent rapids / Turbulente Stromschnellen

Mosellebank / Moselufer

Urban Kestrel | Turmfalke

The ferry

Maria altaar

The view

Mullerthal-Trail E1: View of Echternach

And life slips by like a field mouse

Campfire at the forest

same old view

View from the wood / Blick aus dem Wald

Hä? Spielzeuch?

Allerheiligen im Morgengrauen, Karthaus bei Trier

*icy rapids*

*Moselle @ Dawn*

*Irreler Wasserfälle* - *Waterfalls of Irrel*

*November Morning*

*Moselle River Reflections*

*silent river*

*Golden sunrise at the Moselle*

*Moselle Morning*

*Silent River @ pre sunrise*

Thiels Burg Trier

*Moselle Sunrise*

Sonnenaufgang am Waldsee in Riol

HFF landscape

Visit Echternach

*eleven friends @ golden morning*

Sunset panorama

*At dusk on the Moselle II*

A piece of our beautiful planet

*Dawn at the river III*