*Schiessentümpel @ total view*

Mullerthal Luxembourg

Bench with tree

Luxemburg 20181017-120

Luxembourg - Schiessentümpel im Müllertal

A view from our kitchen :-)

Luxembourg - Schiessentümpel im Müllerthal

Luxembourg - Müllerthal Schiessentümpel

Turbulent rapids / Turbulente Stromschnellen

Minerva Tout Terrain (T.T.) 80 (102523757)

Urban Kestrel | Turmfalke

The ferry

Sunset golden hour view from window...

Mullerthal-Trail E1: View of Echternach

Overlooking the Mullerthal

The Grainfield II

Good morning hometown

Better late than never

Abbey of Echternach

Natur 2007-11-18_08-30-34

Luxembourg's little Switzerland

*Schwarze Ernz*


*icy rapids*

*Irreler Wasserfälle* - *Waterfalls of Irrel*

HFF landscape

Visit Echternach

Sunset panorama

A piece of our beautiful planet

Colorful fields / Bunte Felder

*Eifelsteig-Idylle am Butzerbach*

Hilly / Hügelig

*Herbstidylle an den Irreler Wasserfällen*

yesterday's Sunrise

*Frühherbst an den Irreler Wasserfällen*

Little rapids

Beaufort Castle

Colorful landscape

*nature and power for the people*

Luxembourg - Schiessentümepl in Autumn

*Butzerbachtal-Fälle am Eifelsteig*