Tear of a clown./Boggie

Risco Missouri, Grain Elevator, New Madrid County MO

Risco Missouri, New Madrid County MO

Lilbourn Missouri, New Madrid County

Old Cotton Gin

Rural Masonic Hall

Gideon-Anderson building, Gideon (Mo.), ca. 1995

Post Office 63874 (Risco, Missouri)

Risco Missouri, New Madrid County MO

Risco Missouri, New Madrid County MO

Risco Missouri, Post Office, 63874, New Madrid County MO

Risco Missouri, New Madrid County MO

Lilbourn Missouri, New Madrid County

4/5 of #fiveshotchallenge as tagged by @tambamdob with the theme of 'Signs'

Early morning in Southeast Missouri at the 51st annual Delta Center field day.

Gideon-Anderson building, Gideon (Mo.), 23 May 1997

Gideon-Anderson building, Gideon (Mo.), 23 May 1997

Gideon-Anderson building, Gideon (Mo.), 23 May 1997

Gideon-Anderson Building, Gideon (Mo.), ca. 1995

Eliot and addled apple-bear

Addled apple-bear