The lordingly towering "Walton Agri-Service, Inc." grain elevators of downtown Upper Sandusky, Ohio, and adjacent bldgs.

Parker Covered Bridge - Biggest and Best of Recent Trip

"The corn is as high as an elephant's eye"

Walking 'round a corner.

Side View

These Guys Again

Abandoned House - Benton, OH

Eastern View

Why not ! A selfie & the view of my cab #freightliner #selfie #cre #atx #coveralls #trucklife #trucker

Something Different

Norfolk Southern 234 in Bucyrus, Ohio

Sandusky River

Rainy Day on the Farm

765 111

Year 5 2012-09-28 (c)

An entire flowerbed's worth of three different mulches.

Year 5 2012-09-28 (a)

A Splash of Color in a Sea of White

Broken Sword creek

Farm seen from US 23 Rest Stop near Marion, Ohio

Year 5 2012-09-28 (b)

Fields outside Upper Sandusky ... notice that it is getting hillier as I move east of the prairie.

Year 4 2011-06-17 (c)

Year 2 2009-06-24 (b)

Sycamore-Kirby Tire Site (COAF)

Amber waves of grain [176/365]

Northbound at Sundown

Hill School

26N at Monnett