Shoving Over Jewett Brook

The Lakeport Draw

Northbound Lochmere Limited

Lakeport Landmarks

Relics of the B&M

Fall Foliage in New Hampshire

2008 Harley- Davidson Ultra Classic | Dewey's Ice Cream Parlor & Cafe | Center Harbor, New Hampshire

Splash Of Color

Family Camp 2011!

Meredith Bay


Ames Farm, Gilford, NH

moonage daydream

The Works

Town Docks

On a Golden Pond

View form the Hill

Swollen Brook II

Team Hoyt

Looking Down at the River

shine a light

Tannery Hill Bridge

Tannery Hill: Spring

Ellacoya State Park, New Hampshire

Little Red

Portrait of a Lion

Morning Walk

Sunrise over Lake Winnipesaukee

Sunshine & shadows

Bolduc Farm

Gunstock Gold

along Gunstock brook

Lake Winnipesaukee

Squam River

Poor Farm Brook

Poor Farm Brook

Little Squam Lake

Mount Washington

Lake Winnipesaukee