Beach at Ellacoya - painting

Porch view

Bridal Veil Falls 7

Shannon Brook 5

Not a bad view for a lobster dinner.

Closer view...

Bridal Veil Falls 3

Bridal Veil Falls 5

Shannon Brook 6

Bridal Veil Falls 4

Today's office view

Fall views from Castle in the Clouds

Shannon Brook 4

Shannon Brook 7

Shannon Brook 3

Shannon Brook 1

Bridal Veil Falls 2

View from Rattlesnake Point, Holderness, NH

Beer with a view.

CastleInTheCloudsOct2010 012

PHOTO - 2018 - 015 - Rattlesnake Mt. (Pines) - 001

Foliage lit up by morning light

very tiny waterfall

Causing ripples

Looking over foliage towards Lake Winnipesaukee, NH this morning. (phone shot)

green forest

A ribbon of NH gold

Morning! No Bob. No Romney.

Magenta Morning

Morning Walk

Shannon Brook

New Hampshire - 008

Shannon Pond 3/31/2018

New Hampshire - 035

Warby Parker Winston on the Dock