Outta the fog, Into the Light

Winding down

Moonrise over the lake. I'll certainly miss these views, but I'm excited to move to our new home in 2 days.

Cracked View


Kitsap sunset

Olympic Mountains

2010 Amanitas Muscaria taken from an ant's point of view

Sun Going Down Behind Olympics

11032013 060a Willet (Western) - Tringa Semipalmata

IMG_5333 Common Yellowthroat - Geothlypis trichas

view from the cabin

View south from the beach

View west from the beach

11032013 066a Willet (Western) Tringa semipalmata

11032013 099a Willet (Western) - Tringa Semipalmata

Tide coming in

Lake view

IMG_1142 Marsh Wren

IMG_5348 Killdeer - Charadrius vociferus

IMG_5352 Western Sandpiper - Calidris mauri

The long pier

Vanishing shadows...


Setting on relaxing times...

Too heavy

Nikon D7000 & Tokina 11-16mm f/2.8

Alderbrook Fireworks 7-3-13

Alderbrook Fireworks 7-3-13

Nikon D7000 Sunset Tokina 11-16mm Wide Angle

Alderbrook Fireworks 7-3-13

Marriages are made in heaven

Alderbrook Fireworks 7-3-13

Soft Water

Alderbrook Fireworks 7-3-13

Soft Water


Soft Water

Tall Fir Trees