Alcobaça Monastery

Monasterio de Alcobaça (Portugal, 24-10-2019)

Retablo de la muerte de San Bernardo (Alcobaça, Portugal, 24-10-2019)

Sunset Panorama @ Nazaré

Bird eye view....

A view from the cliffs

Femme de Nazaré 4

Scène de marché

Le tablier bleu

View over the beautifully situated town of Nazaré

Bay S Martinho

Playa de Nazaré (Portugal, 13-7-2010)

Nazare at dusk

After the party - Nazare, Portugal

Nazaré, Portugal along the Sítio

Sao Martinho do Porto bay

Alcobaça - Igreja do Mosteiro (inside) :: HDR

Portugal 2017-9052160-Pano-2

Alcobaca, Portugal - side view of the main nave of the abbey church (1178-1223), looking back towards the entrance

Alcobaca Abbey, Portugal -- view down the nave

Smoke gets in your eyes

Nazaré , en surplomb de l´océan .

Plage de Nazaré vue de la ville haute (Portugal)


Nazare Lighthouse

Nazare sunset


Coucher de soleil sur l'Atlantique

L'orage à l'approche



Praia Norte

The Love Garden

Nazaré vu de la ville haute



Forte de São Miguel Arcanjo.

Nazare Lighthouse And Fort St. Michael, Portugal

Amanhece en Nazaré.

IMG_0838_Shell of Sait Martin