IMG_0613_Pink View

Bay S Martinho

You will never believe this......

IMG_0480_City View

Bird eye view....

Invasion of Reds

Sao Martinho do Porto bay

Alcobaça - Igreja do Mosteiro (inside) :: HDR

Smoke gets in your eyes

Nazaré, Portugal along the Sítio

Lagoa Óbidos I

Lagoa Óbidos IV

Lagoa Óbidos III

Eastern Rise

Praha do Grahla

Hard Times

Lagoa Óbidos III

Lagoa Óbidos II

Is that a slug in the salad ?

Alcobaça - Igreja do Mosteiro (inside) (III) :: HDR

View from the hill at work

Nazaré , en surplomb de l´océan .

On a sunny day....after a long and rainy winter...!!!

Sítio da Nazaré

Nazaré (Portugal)

Shading on sand

Los últimos....

Nazaré vu de la ville haute

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View from the city wall Obidos.

Reflexo 2

Pôr do sol dourado / Golden Sunset

Nazaré seen from the lighthouse, Estremadura, Portugal, Aug 2013

North beach

Nazaré . La plage en février 2014 . Portugal .

Lovely weather today!

Lagoa de Óbidos

Tempo de férias / Vacation time