Burlington-Rock Island Railroad, (Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railway), Texas, Corsicana (13,529)

Panorama: View from the checkout lanes

Panorama: View from the fudge counter

Cemetery, Corsicana, Texas

Road to?, Lake Halbert Park, Corsicana, Texas

Lake Halbert, Corsicana, Texas

Train Trestle, Lake Halbert Park, Corsicana, Texas

Texas Sunrise



Pelecanus erythrorhynchos

???? ٠ الصباح والصاحب كلاهما نور في حياتنا .. ٠ #قطر #الوكرة #الدوحة #امريكا #تكساس #هيوستن #Qatar #Doha #alwakrah #2015 #December #Friends #fun #Usa #Texas #houston #Downtown #ich #im #Germany #Deutschland #wheelchair #Handicap #Children #snapcha

???? ٠ النفس طير وطاعة الرب روضه .. ٠ #قطر #الوكرة #الدوحة #امريكا #تكساس #هيوستن #Qatar #Doha #alwakrah #2015 #December #Friends #fun #Usa #Usa #Texas #houston #Downtown #ich #im #Germany #Deutschland #wheelchair #Handicap #Children #snapchat #Wint

???? ٠ اللهم لا تعلق قلبي بما ليس لي .. ٠ #قطر #الوكرة #الدوحة #امريكا #تكساس #هيوستن #Qatar #Doha #alwakrah #2015 #December #Friends #fun #Usa #Usa #Texas #houston #Downtown #ich #im #Germany #Deutschland #wheelchair #Handicap #Children #snapchat #

Slated for completion in spring 2016, the Navarro County Courthouse in Corsicana is being restored as part of our Texas Historic Courthouse Preservation Program. These photos show the restoration of the courthouse’s scagliola (faux marble) columns, which

Army Rice

Army Rice

INEEDADRINK. andabathroom. #stuckon45 #twohours #fuckyoupatricia

Music ♪ ♫ HBM

1944 Stinson V77 N60634

1944 Stinson V77 N60634

1944 Stinson V77 N60634

2004 Bell 407 N409PH

Dos Amigos on the Road to Trinidad

Dallas County Schools Police

Waxahachie Police

Corsicana Police

Corsicana Police

Navarro County Sheriff