Tree fern canopy in subtropical jungle of Japan, Amami Oshima Island of Kagoshima

Southern Japanese beach with tropical water, Amami Oshima Island

Road-side sneak-peak of our kayak destination, Amami Oshima, Japan

Coral lagoon sea in southern Japan, Amami Oshima, Kagoshima

Beach-entry fringing coral reef from above, Amami, Japan

White sand beach and super clear blue water of Southern Japanese islands

White sand beach and impossible clarity, Kagoshima, Japan

Little paradise beach found, Amami, Japan. Access by kayak only!

Admiring a virgin rainforest of Japan, Amami Oshima Island

Flying Spider-monkey Tree Ferns (Cyathea lepifera) in rainforest of southern Japan

Campers in prime position, Amami Oshima, Japan

Clear tropical water of Amami Oshima Island, Southern Japan

Found a little hidden beach just for ourselves, Southern Japan

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