Priyala (Sanskrit: प्रियाल)

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Rooftop Landscape

Monsoon looking menacingly beautiful !! #travelpics #karnataka #roadtrip

Symphorema polyandrum Wight

Captured by - @supernigga_ बाप्पा लवकर या! ???? || आतुरता आगमनाची ||???? 》 THE MAKING #india #incredible #love #indianphotography #incrediblepeople #incredibleindiaofficial #india #indian #indianphotographyclub _______ Hashtag - #ind

Day 0: Somewhere near Belgavi

I felt my lungs inflate with the onrush of #scenery —air, #mountains, and #trees. I thought, "This is what it is to be happy". -Sylvia Plath #vsco

Perspective can change things! can make big things small or small things big. It's all about perspective! -Anonymous #belgaumdiaries

I walk a lonely road, the only one that I've ever known! Don't know where it goes, but it's home to me and I walk alone! #belgaumdiaries #wanderlust #vsco

Lecture on National Science Day at Nool, Kowad, Kolhapur for student & teachers. All Lectures since 26-02-2016 are organised by Marathi Vidnyan Parishad, Gadhinglaj

Lecture on National Science Day at Nool, Kowad, Kolhapur for student & teachers. All Lectures since 26-02-2016 are organised by Marathi Vidnyan Parishad, Gadhinglaj

Lecture on National Science Day at Nool, Kowad, Kolhapur for student & teachers. All Lectures since 26-02-2016 are organised by Marathi Vidnyan Parishad, Gadhinglaj

Alhamdulillah, MYR mencatatkan kejayaan yang cemerlang. Dapat 4-flat. Maybe boleh pecah rekod 1st time dpt cGPA 5-flat pula.

Lady, won't you save me? My heart belongs to you. Lady, can you forgive me For all I've done to you? Lady, oh, lady. #steelheart #powerfulsong

I know I am slowpoke but finally!!!

Thanks for these wonderful 3 years, thanks for helping me doing my notes, thanks for teaching me until I become a doctor and thanks for all the movies that you grabbed for me and let we watched it together. You will always be remembered Macbook Air. RIP.

Bende paling benci skali klo jadi kt iPhone. ????????????

Done for today.

Half of my belonging... ????

Phone pon dah keluarkan notification. Doakan saya dan rakan2 seperjuangan yang lain berjaya mengharungi perjuangan terakhir ini. Bismillahirrahmanirrahim, lets face this.

Akhirnya, lepas 3 minggu... @eqzaraflan

Siap dpt t-shirt! #AlvidaUSMKLE

Study group. Thanks for the invitation to join this group, thanks for the help and support that beyond my imagination to go through for our last war. #studygrouppro #AlvidaUSMKLE