Downy woodpecker, male

Janice Arnold's Chthonic Tent

Steller's jay

Ruby-crowned kinglet, Regulus calendula

Welcome to Snow Mt Ranch

Yakima Valley Panorama

Oregon grape leaves coated with hoar frost

Bighorn sheep on the horizon

Oak Creek ice sculptures

Ice coated grass

Taking a break

Pair of bighorn rams, Cleman Mountain, Naches, Washington

Rare white grass widow, Olsynium douglasii, side view

Watching me

Bighorn ram

California bighorn sheep ram, Cleman Mountain, Naches, Washington

Tyler's Truck

Bighorn ram chasing a ewe

Snag with a view

View ascending Cowiche Mountain

Tired of watching me

Photo walk along the Tieton and Naches Rivers

Third Horn

The Story Of The Shadow Behind The Light

Spring Day

Tim's Pond

Mount Rainier pano

Tim's Pond, Oak Creek Wildlife Area

Cowiche, WA

Beautiful and cold weather here in Nile, WA #dji #djiphantom3 #djiphantom


Beautiful and cold weather here in Nile, WA #dji #djiphantom3 #djiphantom


On Watch Duty

Wenas Valley Barn


Just Another Sunday, er- Sunset

Naches River Canyon, Washington, 2011



