Ruby-crowned kinglet, Regulus calendula

Starbucks - Indoor Parking

Blue Jay 2018-10-23 ©Kevin S Lucas

White-winged Dove P07 iridescence on sunflower seeder 2017-07-13 ©Kevin S Lucas

View ascending Cowiche Mountain

Greater White-fronted Goose 2019-03-19 ©Kevin S. Lucas

Blue Jay p02 2018-10-23 ©Kevin S Lucas

Blue Jay p03 2018-10-23 ©Kevin S Lucas

Horned Grebe at Randall Park p03 2018-10-02 ©Kevin S Lucas

White-winged Dove P07 holding peg on sunflower seeder 2017-07-13 ©Kevin S Lucas

Horned Grebe, Podiceps auritus

Yakima Lighted Christmas Parade, 2014

Yakima Lighted Christmas Parade, 2014

Landing approach

Yakima Lighted Christmas Parade, 2014

Yellow-rumped warbler

Yakima Lighted Christmas Parade, 2014

Female downy woodpecker

Rare white grass widow, Olsynium douglasii, side view

Yakima Lighted Christmas Parade, 2014

Tyler's Truck

Watching the sun go down

Cowiche Mtn Trooper

Sunset 360 at YVCC

Yakima, WA

Spring Day

YVCC Polar Panorama

Feurig Himmel

Wild Brush

Cowiche, WA

On Watch Duty

Looking to Cowiche Mountain

Cowiche Canyon

Habitat Restoration

Ascending Cowiche Mountain Trail

Great balls of flowers!

On three subsequent evenings, I watched this farmer head out to his tractor to begin the nightly plowing. On the third night, I was ready to capture the moment. #palouse #whitmancounty #visitwashington #farming #farminglife #wheat #farmsandranches #washin

Lonely Shed - Photo Art Black & White

Waterfall Footbridge

Cowiche Canyon Trail

Fire-From-Cowiche City