An Urbana view

This is the view from the end of my driveway. I like to pause there each time I leave my house and think about what I will accomplish with my day. Today with this lovely blue sky and lightly snow covered field it just seems so full of possibilities! What

Buried tracks

Doing the P&E shuffle

Illinois Terminal #1574 Ogden, Illiois

A view from the dark side

Aerial View of Champaign Yard

Conrail #8065 Glover, Illinois

View from Japan House

Illinois Terminal C-Motor, Fithian, Illinois

Union Pacific #3985 Glover, Illinois

Tango 2

Taking the wider view

Tango 1

Street bricks

Meadowbrook Sculpture

birdbath pics crossbills 006

Lightning south of Homer Illinois

Looking west at the snow

Venus Transit

Fathers and Sons - view 3

NS 255 18

Hiking around Collins Pond.

Hiking around Collins Pond.

Pencil Thin Funnel

Hike in the woods.

Road at Sunrise

Hike in the woods.

2012-10-25 HDR Clouds №041

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2012-10-25 HDR Clouds №027a

Crystal Lake Park

2012-11-22 Thanksgiving Afternoon №021

Pardon me, miss, do you have the time?

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Comin' up around the bend

2012-11-22 Thanksgiving Afternoon №026


2012-11-22 Thanksgiving Afternoon №023

Botanical Gardens in Champaign

Banded Sunset

2012-10-25 HDR Clouds №035