Buried tracks

Orpheum Theatre (Before Restoration): Champaign, IL (2001)

Doing the P&E shuffle

Illinois Terminal #1574 Ogden, Illiois

Orpheum Theatre (Before Restoration): Champaign, IL (2001)

A view from the dark side

An Urbana view


Orpheum Theatre (Before Restoration): Champaign, IL (2001)

View of the S Quad.

Like this view

Aerial View of Champaign Yard

Conrail #8065 Glover, Illinois

View from Japan House

Molly in the side-view mirror.

Champaign Skyline

Union Pacific #3985 Glover, Illinois

I missed the zenith, but this view of the #sunset was still amazing.

Illini Union: North Korea A Personal View

Illini Union Art Exhibition: North Korea A Personal View

Illini Union: North Korea A Personal View

NS 255 18

Bardeen Engineering Quad University of Illinois

Hiking around Collins Pond.

Hiking around Collins Pond.

Pencil Thin Funnel

Hike in the woods.

Hike in the woods.

Nest at #sunset

2012-10-25 HDR Clouds №041

Round Barn and Horses

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2012-10-25 HDR Clouds №027a

Memorial flags


Pardon me, miss, do you have the time?

2012-10-20 Busey Woods №027

Crystal Lake Park

2012-11-22 Thanksgiving Afternoon №021

Can't believe the spring break is coming to an end

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Comin' up around the bend