IC/Pennsy Crossing, Midland City, Illinois

Illinois Central/Pennsylvania crossing, Kenney, Illinois

Logan County Sunrise

Outflow Overhead

Outflow and Ditch

Pickup, Barn, and Storm

Cutoff Rainbow

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IMG_6646 internet

Dark Base

JHM Fall Retreat 2015

JHM Fall Retreat 2015

JHM Fall Retreat 2015

JHM Fall Retreat 2015

JHM Fall Retreat 2015

JHM Fall Retreat 2015

JHM Fall Retreat 2015

JHM Fall Retreat 2015

JHM Fall Retreat 2015

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Blue Silo Storm

Mount Pulaski Courthouse State Historic Site, Mt. Pulaski (Ill.), 21 May 2015

Mount Pulaski Courthouse State Historic Site, Mt. Pulaski (Ill.), 21 May 2015

Mount Pulaski Courthouse State Historic Site, Mt. Pulaski (Ill.), 21 May 2015

Post Office 62512 (Beason, Illinois)