Illinois Central/Pennsylvania crossing, Kenney, Illinois

IC/Pennsy Crossing, Midland City, Illinois

Building with bright signage

2011-05-29 20.04.26

The master at work....

Library Clock Tower

Illinois Terminal Train, Atlanta, Illinois

Illinois Terminal Caboose, Atlanta, Illinois

J.H. Hawes Grain Elevator

Little Galilee Sunset

Winter Storm on the Horizon

Little Galilee Barn

Dewitt County Autumn

Sunset Over the Grass 3

Saturday Night on the Square (22 of 55).jpg

Old Bridge

Sunset Over the Grass

The Countryside at Little Galilee Christian Camp in Clinton, IL

Landscape upgrade-Front of house

Landscape upgrade-North side of house

Logan County Sunrise

Outflow Overhead

Outflow and Ditch

Pickup, Barn, and Storm

To Hail With It

Wavy Wisps

IMG_6634 internet

IMG_6646 internet

Sunset Over the Grass 2

On the drive to Manistee