Near Olga, State Highway Z

Check it out guys. We've got the tiniest pony of all!

Matney Graves

jeep row #jjusa #JeepJamboree #topoftheozarks #jeep #jk #jeepwrangler #jeeplife #jeeppics #jeepporn #jeepphotography #jeepsofinstagram #instajeep #iphone5 #smorr

The Owen Theatre

Job well done!

Job well done!

Pulling to a Stop

Chance meeting

Moment of Sun

Jenny Coffee - Just a Girl and Her Horse

Jenny Coffee - Maggie the Donkey

Hey guys. I'm getting really good at photoshop!

We have nice things at work. #garden #fleur

Presbyterian Church (Seymour, Missouri)

Seymour, Missouri Water Tower

Downtown Seymour, Missouri Square

Old I.O.O.F. Hall (Seymour, Missouri)

Post Office 65746 Horse and Buggy Parking Sign (Seymour, Missouri)

Post Office 65746 (Seymour, Missouri)

Post Office 65746 (Seymour, Missouri)

Horse and Buggy Sign (Diggins, Missouri)

Post Office 65636 (Diggins, Missouri)