Union Block, Taylorville, Illinois

hot day

Moonlit Taurus (3)

Flat Branch

beauty for ashes

after the storm

a cool evening

Widow Skimmer (female)

Baby bunny

Christian County, 2016

Never know where I will be next! One weekend I'm playing with my band...and the next I'm DJing a Girl Scout father/daughter dance! Lol

through the trees

perched GBH

Norfolk & Western Railway No. 518525, Illinois, Assumption

Pioneer Lines No. 910, (GP18), Illinois, Assumption

Norfolk Southern C40-9W #8934 in Taylorville IL on 5-23-96

Norfolk Southern C40-8 #8767 in Taylorville IL on 5-23-96

Norfolk Southern C40-8 #8767 in Taylorville IL on 5-23-96

Norfolk Southern GP38 #2753 rushes through Taylorville IL on 5-23-96

Norfolk Southern GP38 #2753 rushes through Taylorville IL on 5-23-96

moving on

getting there

birds and blooms

Magnolia and Bradford Pear

white blooms

lovely lady

lilac leaves

Mrs. Mallard (detail)