The view from the reception

The same view, from "regular" level


Lockheed Super G Constellation on April 2nd, 1962

Before cell phones there was FRIED CHICKEN - 02 Apr 1964--04

Fall Storm Over Clovis, Ca, October 3, 2010

Explore #229 - Triangle Drive-In Burgers since 1963 the best Burgers in Fresno. ( East view )

Kicking it at the Gaslamp Society of Fresno's Annual Victorian Cemetery Picnic

Evening at Rick's

Friant View Bluffs

Stanislaus looking SW in Fresno in 1961

3, 2, 1 Blastoff!

My current view.

LEGO Elves 678

Ghost Mural?

Robert Cremean: CURIA, Nine Sectioned Lay-Ins With Predella

Super Size - Mural Yosemite International Airport

The Back 40 of the Fresno Motel

Warnor's Theater in Fresno

1969 Camaro SS

Fashion Fair Pay Phone - Fresno Ca

Image 11516.

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Beautiful day for a bike ride in #Fresno today. #aBitWarmActually

Sunset in Fresno

A Nice Day

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geometric bliss

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Energy making windmills

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On my way to work. If it's there tomorrow I'm going to put a toy on top.

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Rainbow 'Tween the Trees

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#sunriseoneastcoast #Boston #Massachusetts #theearlybirdgetstheworm #beach #youaphotography #landscape #beautifulquote #californiaphotographer #fresnophotographer #daydreamer #photography #youaphoto #sunrise #luckysunset

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Field during sunset

Fresno sunset

#dayafter #brideandgroom #bridalportrait #sunkissedday #sunflare #beautiful #beautifulday #beautifullove #love #weddingphotography #youaphotography #californiaphotographer #fresnophotographer #countryportrait #tallgrass #sunset #sweetembrace #sweetlove #s