Fishing at Dusk - Facebook Cover

Severe weather

Vertical Daisies Facebook Cover Timeline Banner

Dragonfly in Flight - Profile, Facebook Cover Image

Kingfisher on Caseville Breakwall Railing Facebook Timeline Cover

Orb Weaver Spider

Port Austin, Hume, Michigan.

Pink Lupine Blue Sky HD Wallpaper

05/06/2010 Rocznik 1952. Prawie sami Niemcy (view > all sizes > original)

Forever Lupine HD Wallpaper Desktop 16x9

14:50 - Lake View

The end of summer

Little Thoughts

In the fading light

Scenic Pigeon River Desktop

Daddy said something about a land shark.

Esch Falls, Pigeon MI

Pigeon River Black White HD Wallpaper

Spring Beauty Duet Desktop IMGP0198


This photo makes me think of Slayer

Esch Falls, Pigeon, MI - IMGP3536

Lake Huron at the Sunset


Paper Birch


In Open Fields of Wildflowers - Lupine and Daisies IMG_2123



storm rolling by

Inland lake
