I like the view from up here.

Sizzlin' Eggs or Steak

After 98 miles . . .

Alone on their journey - (Black and White)

After 98 miles . . .

A second chance given

Walking Near the Clubhouse

IMG_7490 Prescribed Burn - Weymouth Woods


Decorated Grave 2

Southern Pines

IMG_7448 Red-cockaded Woodpecker - Leuconotopicus borealis

IMG_7470 Bachman's Sparrow - Peucaea aestivalis

Bee's-eye view

Weymouth Woods - Sandhills Nature Preserve - 4/12/09

IMG_7462 Red-headed Woodpecker - Melanerpes erythrocephalus

IMG_7494 Brown-headed Cowbird - Molothrus ater

Thankful for this picturesque view.

side view of The Carolina

Alan Shephard Golfs on the Moon

Carolina Inn

Black Friday golf

Legacy golf

Weymouth Woods Sandhills Nature Preserve

Longleaf Pine - Pinus Palustris (Lens shift composite)

Longleaf Pine - Pinus Palustris (Lens shift composite)

Spring Time

Weymouth Woods Sandhills Nature Preserve

Pine Forest Weymouth Woods SP NC 5211

Weymouth Woods

2014 US Open

Pages Lake

Forest - longleaf pines Weymouth Woods SP 1804

Weymouth Woods

The Path Beckons

IMG_7489 Prescribed Burn - Weymouth Woods

Pine Forest Weymouth Woods SP NC 5209

Pine Forest Weymouth Woods SP NC 5210

Forest - longleaf pines Weymouth Woods SP 1807

Forest - longleaf pines Weymouth Woods SP 1803