Alone on their journey - (Black and White)

Decorated Grave 2

IMG_7490 Prescribed Burn - Weymouth Woods

IMG_7470 Bachman's Sparrow - Peucaea aestivalis

I like the view from up here.

Sizzlin' Eggs or Steak

Thankful for this picturesque view.

Walking Near the Clubhouse

Carolina Inn

Pinehurst No. 4

After 98 miles . . .

After 98 miles . . .

A second chance given

Courtyard View

Southern Pines

Weymouth Woods - Sandhills Nature Preserve - 4/12/09

Bee's-eye view

IMG_7494 Brown-headed Cowbird - Molothrus ater

IMG_7448 Red-cockaded Woodpecker - Leuconotopicus borealis