Ladybug Macro View

Starfields of Sadr

Star Altair - Wide-Field View

The Crescent Nebula NGC 6888

Orion Nebula

Open Cluster M103

Looking South Galactic Center

Pleiades Star Cluster

The Dumbbell Nebula M27

Nova Sagittarii March 29 2014

All Sky View December 26 2014

Spiral Galaxy M74

Trifid and Lagoon Nebula

Beehive, King Cobra and Jupiter

Beautiful Red Mars on June 7, 2016 from Weatherly, Pennsylvania

A Wide-field View of the Lagoon and Trifid Nebula

Mars and Saturn in the Early July Skies

Comet Jacques C/2014 E2

Ring Nebula M57 Wide Field

Sunrise Over Moretus Crater on Earth’s Moon

Summer Milky Way in April 2014


Beach funtime!

Mount Yeager (Dusk)

Moon Rise and Milky Way

high bridge.

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Mount Yeager (Midafternoon)

Hemlock Palustrine Forest (3)

Nescopeck Creek

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Hemlock Palustrine Forest (1)

Nescopeck Creek Valley

Ridge and Valley

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wedding day I and II 222

Nescopeck Creek

Hemlock Palustrine Forest (2)

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Union Cemetery

042 January 18 2013 hike
