Teapot of Sagittarius

Imaging Jupiter on May 20, 2017

Northern Milky Way - May 27, 2017

Early Morning Antares and Scorpius

A Crescent Moon and Mercury in the West

Morning Antares and Scorpius

Montes Apenninus Mountain Range

Venus Casting a Reflection on Ice

Ladybug Macro View

Starfields of Sadr

Trifid and Lagoon Nebula

Star Altair - Wide-Field View

The Crescent Nebula NGC 6888

Orion Nebula

Open Cluster M103

The Changing Face of Venus

Pleiades Star Cluster

The Dumbbell Nebula M27

Jupiter - May 10, 2017

Looking South Galactic Center

My Solar System

Antares and the Head of Scorpius

Moon Rise and Milky Way

Sirius in the Clouds

Mount Yeager (Dusk)

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Nescopeck Creek

Hemlock Palustrine Forest (3)

Mount Yeager (Midafternoon)

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Hemlock Palustrine Forest (1)

Nescopeck Creek Valley

Union Cemetery

Union Cemetery View 4


Beach funtime!

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Ridge and Valley

Hemlock Palustrine Forest (2)

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