Standing Together.

The view from Sølvberget

View from Rundkollen

Gamle Love.

Summer Macros.

Til Skogen # 2.

Marka views

Hadeland Cultural Landscape

Field, stoney.

Don't Fence me In !

LA/OL-046 Svarttjernhøgda

Studio view

LA/OL-043 Buhammaren

LA/OL-038 Hvalebykampen

LA/OL-043 Buhammaren

LA/OL-038 Hvalebykampen

the view

a table with a view

The Shadow Hunter

Hunting for shadows

Still water and silence in nature

Blue water in green forrest...

Winter in Norway

Flying to alesund

Frosty morning near Gran i Norway

Frosty morning near Gran in norway

Lighting up the gate to....

Masse antioksidanter i går og frisk luft i dag = sunn helg ;)

Farmlife {3

Mongrove forest


Sunset - June

The Dollarhill lake.

Young Love

Skyene ruller seg tilbake

Gran på kvelden