Summer Macros.

Til Skogen # 2.

Standing Together.

Field, stoney.


The view from Sølvberget

LA/OL-043 Buhammaren

Marka views

Views from seat 10

Hadeland Cultural Landscape

View from the Window

LA/OL-046 Svarttjernhøgda

Studio view

LA/OL-038 Hvalebykampen

LA/OL-043 Buhammaren

LA/OL-038 Hvalebykampen

the view

a table with a view

The Shadow Hunter

Winter in Norway

Sunset - June


Mylla panorama

Hunting for shadows

Farmlife {3

Mongrove forest


The Dollarhill lake.

Young Love

Skyene ruller seg tilbake

Gran på kvelden

Take cover

Mylla Reflections

Lake Randsfjorden today

Hadeland Modellflyklubb (52 of 60).jpg