Tree Line

269/365 September 26, 2009

Flow Chart for a Life Altering Night (HSS)

Greyhound 6938 Reno (MCI 102DL3)

Truckee River @ Dusk, Panorama, 20 Oct 2010

Greyhound 6938 Reno (MCI 102DL3)

Greyhound 6938 Reno (MCI 102DL3)

Greyhound Fleet at Reno (2) (MCI D4505)

The view from our room

2008 Reno Balloon Races

Tears of a Clown

051/365 February 20, 2009

146/365 May 26, 2009

River Walk Sunset

Moonrise over Neon Babylon

Tree Bark [L&D 2/10]

Split House II [L&D 6/10]

Reno Air Races 2012 - DSC_9480c

The new view from the fence

F0rg3t Wh4t Y0u Th1nk Y0u Kn0w

Mostly cloudy over Reno, NV

(It's A) Mad World

Pink Gets Me High As A Kite

It's In The Ground

Crop From Djinn Valley Rainbow

Cold Springs Nights

IMGP1555 ir

Wavy Days


Billinghurst Grove

And Then It Found Me

No Shelter

Averted Vision

Conduit Sunsplash

I Live Amongst the Clouds

Treasure Planet

Lift off

Pay It Forward

Front Side Fore

River Deep - Mountain High