051/365 February 20, 2009

Flow Chart for a Life Altering Night (HSS)

Greyhound 6938 Reno (MCI 102DL3)

Design Elegance

Greyhound 6938 Reno (MCI 102DL3)

Greyhound 6938 Reno (MCI 102DL3)

Reno Air Races 2012 - DSC_9480c

Tree Line

2008 Reno Balloon Races

Tears of a Clown

The view from our room

269/365 September 26, 2009

146/365 May 26, 2009

River Walk Sunset

Moonrise over Neon Babylon

Tree Bark [L&D 2/10]

Truckee River @ Dusk, Panorama, 20 Oct 2010

Split House II [L&D 6/10]

Off the end of Leroy 2


And Then It Found Me

Averted Vision

Conduit Sunsplash

Treasure Planet

Lift off

Pay It Forward

Mostly cloudy over Reno, NV

(It's A) Mad World

Badlands Penthouse

Luck of The Irish

Universal Vision

UP 726 & 280 | EMD GP38N | UP Sparks Yard

Sierra Back Door

Billinghurst Grove

F0rg3t Wh4t Y0u Th1nk Y0u Kn0w

No Shelter

I Live Amongst the Clouds

Front Side Fore

Squeeze In-Between the Double Yellow

The Beauty of Grey