Fraser River Bridge

Othello Tunnels

Othello Tunnels

Fit of Peak

Othello Tunnels

Coquihalla River

Back up on the Trans Canada Highway

Othello Tunnels

Othello Tunnels

View from the parking lot (see the tarn?)

Yale - Where the Gold Rush streamers used to come in

17th Chapel (please view on black )

Can you feel the rush

Wonders of our rain forest

View from the parking lot

Othello Tunnels and Coquihalla River - Manual HDR (please view large / On Black)

No Fear for a little Fir – Othello Tunnels , Coquihalla Canyon ( view on black )

Rocky Mountaineer : Fraser Canyon at Yale, B.C. 2012

mountain view

Othello Tunnels - 20 Jul 2013

Coquihalla River Heading Into Othello Tunnels

Coquihalla Highway

all is calm (solstice)

Holy Cross, Hope

Through the Mountains

Rambo Country

Mountain runner. #LGG5

Othello Tunnels

Northern Lights... not so North!

Head in the clouds. #LGG5

CP in Hope

Coquihalla River

Coquihalla River

Tunnels above the Coquihalla River

Coquihalla River

Coquihalla River