Northern Cardinal
Autumn Reflections
Red Clover (Trifolium pratense)
play time
That's a Stretch
On High Alert
Song Sparrow
Night Dance of the Maples....
When I was young
Splash Down
Green Heron (Butorides virescens)
Old pump house, Hazardville, CT.
White-throated Sparrow
American Goldfinch
Powder Hollow relic...
View from overpass
American Goldfinch
Powder Hollow relic...
Powder Hollow relic...
Powder Hollow relic...
It’s a good morning
berries encased in ice
Mill Pond Falls - Newington, CT
In The Grass
Morning Glory
Powder Hollow - 2013
Weedy Beauty
Soapstone MT
Corn Stalks
Corn Stalks
Corn Stalks
Three Amigos
Under Stafford Hollow Road
my day off 151
my day off 168
my day off 169
Autumn church