Alpine Wildflower Willow Ptarmigan

White-tailed Ptarmigan Alpine Camouflage

Horned Lark in Alpine Flora

Morfee Lake

Beach at Morfee Lake

1986 07-11 0745 BCR M420W-646 Mackenzie, BC

1986 07-08 053 BCR RS18-614 Mackenzie, BC

Christmas 2018 and New Year 2019

Alpine Sandpiper

Duz Cho mill grand opening in Mackenzie

Duz Cho mill grand opening in Mackenzie

Juvenile White-tailed Ptarmigan

Banding Northern Saw-whet Owls 2

Banding Northern Saw-whet Owls

Boreal Owl Age Determination

Horned Lark in the Grass

Morfee Lake

Sunset in Town

The price for regular fuel

A “7-eleven” convenience store