Kuna Crest, view from our Vogelsang campsite.
Matthes Crest and Echo Peaks
Yosemite 2012-08-02 at 17-04-04
Yosemite 2012-08-01 at 07-06-33
Yosemite 2012-08-03 at 10-18-08
Yosemite 2012-08-03 at 09-54-43
Yosemite 2012-07-31 at 14-58-01
Matthes Crest and Echo Peaks
Fall 2011 Along US-395 #9
Rush Creek Basin
The Golden Path
Autumn's Color - Silver Lake, California
Twin Peaks
The Shores of Silver Lake
*** Evening at Ediza Lake *** (aka Sweet Reward)
Unicorn Creek at Elizabeth Lake
Earthly Reflection
Falling Into Vogelsang
Path though trees of fire - June Lake
Lost in a Firey Forest
Shadow Creek